Sumi-e Delta Riso : 28x28x4 mm .
Sumi-e Delta Riso , mosaic in format 28x28x4 mm on net of 300×300 mm, coulour riso.
Sumi-e Delta is an eco-sustainable mosaic designed by Piero Lissoni .
The design is based on the decomposition of the classic square into new geometries . By cutting out a triangle from each tile, new shapes are created which, depending on their posing arrangement, generate ever-changing designs.
This element of randomness makes surfaces more natural and lightens the overall look.
Packed per sheet or per box of 0.81 m² ( 9 sheets ) , 4.30 kg per box.
The price on the site is per sheet of 300×300 mm with a minimal order of 5 sheets.
As of 25 m² ask your price per mail.
This article is available within +/- 4 weeks.
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