Brickx Fossil, old colours in formats 68×278 mm and 140×160 mm , thickness 8,5 mm.
The past and now, craftmanship and technology, passion and perfection. Different styles, formats and colours and combine them all. The way to a harmonious interior. Sottocer is your vintage solution.
Packaging .
140x160x8.5 mm , 26 pieces per box , 0.435 m² per box , 7.71 kg per box, 45.15 m² per pallet, 105 boxes per pallet
68x278x8.5 mm , 25 pieces per box , 0.473 m² per box , 9.47 kg per box , 45.41 m² per pallet, 96 boxes per pallet.
Sales unit and price .
The sales unit and price on this site is per box . The price per m² is given for your information only.
As of one pallet ask your price per mail.
Availability and technical sheet.
The tiles are availalbe within 1 to 2 weeks time.
This article cannot be refunded.
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